IPMI offers its assistance for the inspiration, success and continuity of each spiritual study group in communities. Consistent communication, information and support is available to leaders who start groups, to group facilitators and group shepherds/communicators.

Requests or support from this program can be made to groups@ipminternational.org or by contacting us directly.

The group process is one of the most consistently inspiring ways for local seekers to build their relationship with their guidance and strengthen their own intuition.  This page serves as a entry point to accessing Group Services offered.

Wishing the best to everyone in their spiritual journeys as a Group Shepherd, Facilitator, or Participant!

Specific IPMI Group Support Services:

  1. Publications – IPMI will reach out via this website as well as publications including the monthly online Expression magazine and the quarterly Spirit Is Our River Group members are encouraged to send photos and sharing about group experience to either or both publications. (Deadline for Expression: 10th of each month, send to: expression@ipminternational.org. Info on SIOR: call 1-800-336-8008 for deadline/s).  CLICK HERE to signup for Expression Magazine.  Spirit Is Our River (SIOR) is a quarterly print publication included with IPMI Membership, IPMI does post digitally the previous quarters SIOR.  CLICK HERE to access last quarter SIOR.
  2. Weekly Communications These inspirations are posted weekly on the IPMI website, and also sent via email to existing Group Shepherds and Group Facilitators. Communications incorporate the spiritual theme of the month, some of the subthemes, and special announcements. The communication is to be read at the Announcement part of the meeting by the Group Shepherd or printed and distributed.
  3. Websites/Social Media Group study is described on the New Spiritual Horizons website on Core Program Page as step 3. The College website, wayshowerscollege.com is the source for ordering group materials and for leadership training courses. IPMI also provides group info via Constant Contact emails and on our Facebook page.
  4. Forms related to the Group Process – These include (click to open the pdf): Roles within the Group Structure, Format for a Get Acquainted Meeting, Suggestions for a Facilitating First Meeting, Keys to a Successful Group Meeting, Group Shepherd Initiation, Group Shepherd Message, Group Referee Role, Song Sheets, IPM Group Structure Chart, and Group Enrollment Form.
  5. Regrouping for Group Shepherds and Facilitators via monthly teleconferences. (refer to IPMI Website or your email for dates) Weekly phone regrouping sessions may be established as needed.
  6. Group Work Courses In CommunitiesIPMI will either sponsor or directly offer Wayshowers College group leadership courses (Examples: 500-B: The Challenge of Group Leadership, Groupwork Technique Courses 521, 522, 533 etc.).
  7. Support for new Group Shepherds After 3 weeks of group experience, a group member may facilitate a new group with support by the leader who started the group and IPMI group leadership coaching, if desired.
  8. Fellowship Ideas IPMI will offer a list of possible fellowship events for group members for relaxation and team building.
  9. Key and Resource Groups for leadership practice will be promoted by IPMI to expand spiritual services and build new leadership.
  10. Extra Backing via an Energy Map of the US – Each group location is pinpointed on a map and energized on a regular basis by IPMI leadership.

Note: Groups that can be supported by IPMI leadership include New Spiritual Horizons; Foundations of Spiritual Development; Dimensions of My Past, Present, and Future; and Exploring the Wisdom of My Universe, as well as Astro Soul, PMM, and PCC Programs.

How to Request Support Services?

Fill out the form below and upload the first Group Registration sheet.

Or you can email the the following information to groups@ipminternational.org: Type of group (i.e. – IPM, Astro Soul, New Spiritual Horizons, etc.), provide Group Shepherd’s contact information, and the first group meeting registration sheet.