Great changes have happened in public media since 1999, exposing people to a sea of facts and sensation with less true feeling, authenticity and meaning. Now, more than ever, it is important to have the ability to tune into inner guidance and check the facts of what we see and hear, and to clarify our inner life direction.

To be forerunners helping others with inner motivation, purpose and discernment, spiritual leaders need to achieve visibility and voice in global communications (television, computer, smartphone, and social media). The timing is right; and working together, a global reach is possible! We can accomplish in today’s world what Dr. Coll did in the 1960’s and 70’s – share worldwide a solid foundation of spiritual reality that inspires and frees people to explore deeply and find their own answers.

The Alliance of Spiritual Organizations (IPMI, PCCI, WCF and Wayshowers College) is united to gather the means to share on a worldwide scale, find those seeking assistance; and attract a new generation of leaders to be part of raising the collective consciousness on earth.  This fund drive is targeted to raise $10,000 in 2020.

Seeking Backing from Our Community

This is no small task and we are in need of the backing from our community of spiritual seekers, leaders and affiliates.  By making a generous contribution to the Coll Preservation/Media Outreach Fund you are being of service to goals to goals of reaching hundreds of millions of people with messages, methods and  experiences of Spiritual Freedom.

All donations to this fund will be used to support the production costs of a multi-year public service media campaign, first via a partnership with Kathy Ireland, host of the Modern Living television show aired on WeTV and Bloomberg, as well as, professional marketing and promotion of the campaign.  Upon receipt of this donation you will receive a letter reflecting your contribution.

Will you help build our spiritual  legacy for today’s world and new generations?

Can you support our goal with a donation of $1,000? 500? or another amount?  It’s also possible to make an ongoing monthly donation.

What level are you inspiring to give today?